Monday 18 October 2010

Alphabet Soup - Self Evaluation

Referring to the typeface I have designed:

Which personality traits did you choose to respond to and apply the typeface?
The personality traits I used to describe my partner Charlotte were quirky, different, well educated, elegant and

What are the reasons behind the design decisions you have made for the typeface?
The main decision that i made for my typeface was based on one of charlottes answers on the questionnaires we filled in for each other where she put if she could go back to any time when would she go, and her answer was to the 1920's Art Deco. So I researched into some existing typefaces created through this era and got my initial ideas to experiment with. As well as researching for designs with aspects I felt relevant to the traits I used to use within the designs.

In what ways are the results effective?
The typefAce turned out to look really visually effective, and Charlotte did say how much she really liked it. It did show the different traits that I was wanting to achieve as well as people knowing just from looking at it that it was influenced my Art Deco.

Referring to the typeface that has been designed for me:

What personality traits do you interpret from the typeface designed to represent you?
The personality traits that I interpret from the typeface that has been designed for me are hard to read,

Describe what you think of the typeface:
I really like the typeface. If I'm honest it wasn't what I was expecting it to turn out to be but instead it is better. I like how it not too obvious with what it is directly representing because I think that is something like i would do by not letting people see what i am really like when they first meet me.

In what ways is it effective, and in what way is it ineffective of representing you?
This answer for effective is pretty much the same answer as above, and I wouldn't really say that it was ineffective at representing me, but if I was to pick one thing I would just say that the colour on the name badge isn't really what I would choose personally, but that's it.

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