Friday 15 October 2010

Alphabet Soup - Rationale

Problem Analysis - Rationale

Brief: (What is the problem you intend to solve?)
To design a typeface that represents the personality/character of our partner.

Who needs to know? (Who is your audience?)
The person who we are designing the typeface on based on their personality/character.

What do they need to know? 
The personality/character of my partner I am designing it on and why it is relevant to them.

Why do they need to know? (The concept for your problem.)
Because we are answering the brief and giving them a typeface.

What will they respond to? (How will the connect/understand the outcome?)
A clear visual typeface that is in response to their character.

What research is required? (What do you need to know in order to complete this brief to the fullest potential?)
Talked to the partner to get to know them and see how they come across. 

Secondary Research:
I also looked at existing typefaces/designs that I think had certain elements similar to what I am wanting to produce. As well as colours and medias.

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